Radical Content

Radical Content Trailer

Episode Summary

The Radical Content Podcast, hosted by Eric Gray, aims to help brands connect with their audience through engaging storytelling. This show is for the mavericks of marketing. The show will feature interviews with brand storytellers as well as comedians, content creators, and broadcasters to learn how they entertain, connect, and build raving fans. Subscribe now to stay updated on the launch.

Episode Transcription

Hey everybody, welcome to the brand new Radical Content Podcast. My name is Eric Gray, I'm your host. Joining us alongside is our producer, Lauren.

Hi, that's me.

How are you doing, Lauren?

I'm excited.

All right, so Lauren has asked me to do a trailer, and so we're here. She wants it to be what, like under 30 seconds?

Please and thank you.

How are we doing so far?

Your time is going to start now.

So first thing you need to know, I love content, engagement, storytelling. I love helping brands connect, and that's what this podcast is really all about. I know there's a lot of marketing podcasts out there today, so we're going to try to come at this a little differently. We think the world of marketing today, it's all about yelling and selling. We want to help brands engage first. We know we're not alone. There's a ton of marketing creators, strategists, storytellers out there who want to push their brands to not just create content that gets skipped but content that gets watched, shared, and loved. They are the mavericks of marketing and it's who this show is for. This is a big idea and to do this we're going to talk to a bunch of awesome brand storytellers but the unique thing about this show if we can pull it off is we're going to talk to people that are not in marketing. We hope to talk to comedians, content creators, broadcasters to find out how they entertain, connect, and build raving fans.

Okay, how are we doing on time now?

Well that was as brief as I think you could have made it.

Okay, well we tried. So this is the Radical Content Podcast. Happy could have made it. Okay, well we tried. So this is the Radical Content Podcast. Happy to have you join along. Subscribe today. We'll be launching real soon.